In all our tests we mock the pattern and difficulty level of the UPSC Civil Services Exam. All the questions in the Test Series are handpicked by Pavan Sir. All the tests are followed by a detailed discussion by Pavan Sir, in which aspirants get the chance to hone their writing skills under his guidance. All the test copies are diligently evaluated by the expert team and the personalized feedback at micro and macro level is given in each and every test.
Our simple, practical and focused approach will help aspirants understand the demand of the UPSC exam effectively. Our strategy is to constantly innovate to keep the preparation process dynamic and give personalized attention to individual aspirants based on factors like core competence, availability of time and resources and the requirement of the Civil Service Exam.
Public Administration Test Series Schedule
Fee: Rs. 32,500/-.
Timings: 08:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
For further details, please contact: 8447412868/8447532310.
Add: 11A/22, Second Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - 110060.

Our Toppers in Civil Services
Civil Services Exam is one of the toughest exams in the world. For less than a thousand vacancies, every year more than a million aspirants compete. The competition is cut throat. There is no margin of error in any of the three stages of this exam. The life of aspirants is full of mental pressure and emotional challenges. Only the toughest ones are finally selected. Thus, IAS Toppers are real life champions. We are fortunate to train these real life champions, and we proudly proclaim to consistently produce them in our institution.
Our Pedagogy
We at Pavan Kumar's IAS believe a world-class education will expand your choices and enrich your experiences, allowing you to fulfil your potential and make the most of life's opportunities.
Pradeep Singh (Rank 1) with Pavan Sir